Sponsored by( EDO) Experts for Development Organization : A series of training courses aimed at building the capacity of young youth of both sex in the governorate of Taiz;

Sponsoring and Financing of the Experts for Development Organization, as part of the Youth Capacity-Building Programme, Shabab fina Khair initiative implemented a series of 4 courses during March 2022,The titles of these courses varied between (institutional construction – financial transactions – office transactions – peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity ) . The institutional construction courses have included (building peace and conflict resolution – gender – social participation – advocacy)
,the financial transaction course included (economic empowerment – financial plan ). The office transaction course included (volunteering – drafting reports). In a peace-and-conflict-sensitive course participants identified (constitution-of-the-sessi the difference between disagreement and diversity – the difference between positive peace and passive peace – conflict – the causes of conflict – the sensitivity of conflict – elevator theory)
